
Serving Residential and Commercial customers since 1939

In 1939, Henry Meserve purchased his employer, Washburn Electric and started Meserve Electric in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Henry had three sons – Clyde, Carl, and Al, who all became electricians.

In 1950, Clyde Meserve started his own business, Clyde Meserve Electric, out of East Bridgewater. Shortly after, Clyde also opened a small appliance store to sell the new electric ranges that were in very high demand.

In 1970, Clyde sold Clyde Meserve Electric to his three sons, John, Wayne, and Bruce. Clyde continued operating as Clyde Meserve Appliances. Meserve Bros. Electrical Contractors was formed in 1971. Wayne and his two brothers continued the company until 1978 when Wayne Meserve purchased the business entirely.

In 1982, Wayne’s wife, Diane Meserve, became his electrical apprentice. Diane went on to earn her Journeyman’s in 1985 and Master license in 1986, making her the 13th female master electrician in the state’s history!

In April of 2000, Meserve Bros Electrical Contractors was renamed Meserve Electric, Inc. In 2003, Jason Meserve, Wayne’s son, resumed his apprenticeship and earned his Journey man’s license in 2006. Jason then went on to earn his Master license in 2011. Jason is the fourth generation to work for his great grandfather’s business and is extremely proud to continue in the great legacy of the family business.